Bioenergetics or Somatic relational psychotherapy is a therapeutic process that focuses on the energetic flow or lack of energetic flow in the body, the patterns of excitation that occur in relational interactions from early development, the ways in which these energetic connections affect the development of emotional regulation and normal biological development. Early experience shapes the form and motility of the body. Somatic work focuses on building awareness through physical interventions, i.e. sensorial awareness and integration, expressive movement, breathing, emotional expression, energetic work and empathic contact. This expression through the body, language for the movement of emotions in the body, brings about catharsis, release, containment and integration.
The body has memory. Energetic blocks in the body are often the cause of pain and discomfort as well as the eventual development of more serious conditions. Somatic therapy as experienced from the Bioenergetic model helps reconnect the person to his/her body. This reconnection helps each person be more fully integrated and functional.