Acutonics Integrative Medicine incorporates the use of precision-calibrated medical tuning forks, which are applied on or over specific acupuncture points to access the body’s meridian and chakra energy systems. The tuning fork is struck on an Acutonics Acuvator and then placed on or over the acupuncture point, chakra, or area of pain. The sound waves of the forks vibrate and travel deeply into the body along these energy pathways that have proven to impact both the soma and the psyche. The tuning forks rich resonance and vibration connects with and supports the body’s natural frequencies, stimulates and balances the body’s physical and subtle energy field, promotes wellness, deep inner harmony, and a sense of well-being, attunement, and homeostasis.
Acutonics embraces both ancient wisdom traditions and new paradigms in health and wellness while remaining firmly based in science and strongly supported by case study documentation and research.
This non-invasive methodology is proven to reduce pain, improve sleep, relieve digestive disorders, and ameliorate symptoms associated with severe stress, including anxiety and depression.